We are the Princes of Lichtenbourg, the most important princedom located between the Empire of Austria, the Kingdom of Poland, Empire of Russia and the divan of Turkey. The mighty army of our pricedom fights along the Austrain Empire to avenge the tragic anexation of Saxony by the devious Prussian butcher. Long live Prince von Sthall !
3 commentaires:
Hilarious! But I mean that in a positive sense and that it make sme feel good. Not about war, of course, but about our ability to re-enact it without any casualties. I thank you.
Wow! That *is* a battle, and a very well illustrated AAR - thanks for posting.
I may be wrong, but I think I spotted Lichtenbourgeois regiments (with the yellow & blue flag with a black cross)? They deserve a special presentation with large pics unit by unit: being 'endemic species' living only on your table-top and unknown elsewhere. While 'historical' Austrians & Prussians are 'ubiquitous' and already well documented.
Compliments and best wishes,
Attention! SPAM link. Do not click.
And that is a good-looking game.
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